
Welcome! You are now in the “reincarnated” world of Yoga Lady®. We are up and running! It has been quite a journey and I am thrilled with the results. I use the word “we” because it is a team effort and will continue to be.


Get updates on the latest projects, offerings and special events via my monthly newsletters. Sign up for the mailing list!

Social Media

Friend us on Facebook! We love hearing from you and seeing your photos.


Another great feature of this re-boot is the addition of my Blog. I’ll share my experiences, views and adventures. I’ll also be posting excerpts from my life story, a project I’ve been working on intermittently, for almost two decades.


Finally, and most exciting of all, is the Treasures blog pages. This is where the art part of Yoga Lady® will be debuted. Ultimately, my plans are to develop a Yoga Lady® product line with yoga clothing, gear and wellness products. They’ll be available for purchase online with the next phase of this journey.

Although I am the director and creator of these programs, products, and services, I count on a support team to make it all happen. I want to acknowledge and thank them for their work. Integral to this group is Kim Murray, who created my new logo and branding and designed this website. She is the owner of Eyegate Design. I was referred to Kim by Tracy Petrucci, my Social Media guru, whom I met through her classes with the San Dieguito Adult School in 2012. These women, along with Dan Pastel, my computer tutor and tech expert (helping me move into the 21st century with my skills) have made it possible for Yoga Lady® to be where she is today. It has taken more than a few years. But to use a couple of  frequently quoted truths: “Rome wasn’t built in a day” and “It takes a village…”

Thank you, and enjoy,