It’s a new year in a new decade and for this month’s theme I chose “beginner’s mind.” It came to me before dawn on New Year’s Day. Putting on my Uggs and wrapping myself in my warm comfy robe, I stepped outside before the sun peeked above the horizon to take my first sunrise photos of 2020. Free of clouds, the sky looked like a blank canvas but for a few brushstrokes of pale yellow and pink underneath a darker hue of blue — stillness and silence holding space for symphonies not yet composed. I thought what a good way to start out: blank, empty, barren – ready and eager to be painted upon, filled up and planted with seed. Cultivating beginner’s mind helps us approach life with a child-like anticipation, promoting creativity and a willingness to see things in a new light. After all, isn’t life but art in the making? We are all artists, creating our lives with our thoughts and actions. And so I looked upon this new year’s first morning sky as a metaphor for the year to come. Hail, 2020! Bring it on…