Here I get to write to my heart’s content. I do love to write. Honestly, my intention is to — number one, express myself and — number two, engage you, the reader, with my words. I wish to share my experiences and my views, while providing information that is helpful, educational, and perhaps, even transformational.
Let’s have fun. Life can be so serious and with all that’s going on in the world today, it is easy to become pessimistic and depressed. I believe that our – humanity’s — ultimate goal is to become enlightened. With this in mind, anything that brings levity and “lightens” our bodies, minds, and spirits is helping us toward this state of being.
This doesn’t preclude however, that I will be sharing stories that create self-reflection and cause pause for consideration. My personal goal in life is to help myself so that I can help others. Life is not without pain. We learn from pain. Empathy and compassion are key to living fully, in each present moment, with an open mind and heart.
Ultimately this blog will have many headings reflecting my eclectic interests. A lot will be posted under “Yoga Lady® Out & About” which covers the wide variety of things that I do — from Square and Sufi Dancing to my latest favorite restaurant or store, trip, movie, or concert. Follow this section and you will get a sense of how I engage in this wonderfully diverse community of San Diego. Additionally, I am offering bits and pieces from my life story or memoir.
The pages on “Treasures” will be significant. These blog pages will keep you updated on discoveries of art, collectibles and memorabilia from my mother’s things as well as my own.
You are invited to come along, through your comments and responses. I encourage this dialogue and look forward to it.
Thank you for visiting,