Tapas: Spring Purification! — March 2021

Tapas – Purification

Think of Tapas as a yearly spring cleaning. It marks the change of seasons. Furthermore it’s the shift from shorter days to more light and activity. Tapas, in yoga practice, refers to spirituality and freedom on a deeper level.

In Sanskrit, Tapas means heat.

Traditionally […]

2022-04-15T15:03:32-07:00March 8th, 2021|

Themes and Prayer March 2020

Kindness is the Yoga Lady® theme for March. Jacqueline Valdez, Intuitive Counselor and my spiritual mentor, has offered respect as the “word of the month” for her group, Saints in Training. And perseverance is the word from Attunement Transformation, the energetic healing circle I more recently joined. […]

2020-04-10T11:56:06-07:00April 10th, 2020|
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