February 2019 Pose

Hero Two is part of a three-pose sequence also referred to as the Warrior series. The name itself conjures images of courage, command and determination. Indeed, it takes a heroic mindset to perfect this asana. Preparatory poses for Hero Two are: Tadasana or Moutain Pose – for […]

2020-01-20T15:16:32-08:00February 4th, 2019|

January 2019 Pose


Lotus Pose – Padmasana

This classic seated yoga posture is one of many used for meditation. The name and its meaning suggest an attitude of reverence and humility: The lotus is symbolic of purity of mind, body and […]

2020-01-20T15:16:32-08:00January 19th, 2019|

December 2018 Pose

Two-Legged Platform: Dwi Pada Pitham

December’s pose may seem like an easy beginner’s pose yet it is much more than a warm-up and therapeutic posture. Literally translated, dwi pada pitham means two-legged platform. It is sometimes called Desk Pose or […]

2020-01-20T15:16:32-08:00December 1st, 2018|
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