
January Theme – Beginner’s Mind

It’s a new year in a new decade and for this month’s theme I chose “beginner’s mind.” It came to me before dawn on New Year’s Day. Putting on my Uggs and wrapping myself in my warm comfy robe, I stepped outside before the sun peeked above […]

2020-04-10T13:43:29-07:00January 20th, 2020|


Om  Lakshmi  Goddess of Abundance  Deity Divine

I pray to thee for abundance in my spiritual life and on the material plane.
Every day in every way. On each level. In all forms.
So that I may shine my light brightly,
As I share my creativity, skills and experience.
Serving others,
As I move toward the love and light of God,
For […]

2019-02-22T09:01:54-08:00February 22nd, 2019|

Princess Warrior

Feet planted wide apart, she sets her stance
Grounding herself, with strength and focus
Legs weighted evenly, front to back
Feet and toes connected to Mother Earth

Arms reaching from heart center
Open, proud and courageous
Divine feminine willing her strength
Protective, watchful and powerful

Back arm reaching through fingertips
Cognizant of her past, inclusive of all
Looking beyond front arm fingertips
Projecting her domain and […]

2019-02-22T08:54:05-08:00February 22nd, 2019|


February’s theme is abundance. I love that dance is within this word. Abundance is often celebrated through festivities which include dance, music and song. Dance is my first love and an integral part of my journey. Dancing brings an abundance of joy to my heart.

My monthly theme is chosen spontaneously. Each month I open my […]

2019-02-22T08:37:25-08:00February 22nd, 2019|

February 2019 Pose

Hero Two is part of a three-pose sequence also referred to as the Warrior series. The name itself conjures images of courage, command and determination. Indeed, it takes a heroic mindset to perfect this asana. Preparatory poses for Hero Two are: Tadasana or Moutain Pose – for […]

2020-01-20T15:16:32-08:00February 4th, 2019|

Lotus – Padma

By Mara Carrico

Let me know from where I’ve come.
The dirtiness, the mud, the filth of life,
This yukkiness has its meaning, its purpose.

Like the lotus, growing from the muddy waters,
I too, must maintain my roots, without denial,
Unpleasant, but necessary fertilizer for growth.

Like the lotus, oblivious to its surroundings,
Holding steadfast in its growth.
Confident to unfold, revealing only […]

2019-01-28T11:01:50-08:00January 28th, 2019|



Our lives are permeated by ritual in all shapes and forms. We tend to think of ritual as something religious or formal in nature, but in truth we practice ritual on a daily basis from the order in which we go about our morning routine to the checklist of […]

2020-01-20T15:16:32-08:00January 28th, 2019|

January 2019 Pose


Lotus Pose – Padmasana

This classic seated yoga posture is one of many used for meditation. The name and its meaning suggest an attitude of reverence and humility: The lotus is symbolic of purity of mind, body and […]

2020-01-20T15:16:32-08:00January 19th, 2019|

December 2018 Pose

Two-Legged Platform: Dwi Pada Pitham

December’s pose may seem like an easy beginner’s pose yet it is much more than a warm-up and therapeutic posture. Literally translated, dwi pada pitham means two-legged platform. It is sometimes called Desk Pose or […]

2020-01-20T15:16:32-08:00December 1st, 2018|


I love having a plan for everything that I do, whether it be mundane chores, my own studies and sadhana (spiritual practice) or the focus of each class that I teach. This category of my blog provides a platform for these plans, or themes.

Stay tuned….


2020-01-20T15:16:32-08:00April 3rd, 2017|
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