
Connectivity: Purpose & Meaning! — January 2021


Connectivity is my teaching theme for January. It goes hand-in-hand with my personal 2021 theme of Reconciliation. I enjoy and use the themes and “word of the month” suggested by my own teachers and mentors; they help me focus and reflect, and it’s my wish that my monthly themes do the same […]

2022-04-15T15:31:29-07:00December 30th, 2020|

Themes and Prayer April 2020

Endurance, the Yoga Lady® theme, Jackie Valdez’s monthly word, empathy, and wisdom from the Attunement Transformation, a group devoted to healing via energetic meditation – a perfect  “holy trinity” of connected themes for April! I’m impressed, but not wholly surprised at how serendipitously these fell into place. […]

2020-07-27T08:32:12-07:00April 10th, 2020|

April 2020 Theme – Endurance

Like this flower, we'll find a way toward the light. We will seed and grow again.  

“Endurance is not just the ability to bear a hard thing, but to turn it into glory.”      William Barclay – Twentieth century Scottish author and theologian

April’s theme came to […]

2020-04-10T14:25:35-07:00April 10th, 2020|

Themes and Prayer March 2020

Kindness is the Yoga Lady® theme for March. Jacqueline Valdez, Intuitive Counselor and my spiritual mentor, has offered respect as the “word of the month” for her group, Saints in Training. And perseverance is the word from Attunement Transformation, the energetic healing circle I more recently joined. […]

2020-04-10T11:56:06-07:00April 10th, 2020|

March 2020 Theme – Kindness

“Three things in life are important: the first is to be kind; the second is to be kind; and the third is to be kind.” Henry James

Kindness is the theme for March. It’s a virtue, a strength, a behavior, all in one. When we are […]

2020-04-10T11:57:59-07:00April 10th, 2020|

February 2020 Theme – Harmony

Harmony is my theme for February. As I’ve been doing for some years now, I allow the theme to come spontaneously, opening my mind to “catch” the first thing which surfaces. Then I meditate on it and relate it to my circumstances. I start and end all […]

2020-04-10T14:10:51-07:00February 26th, 2020|

Theme Thoughts: February 2020

It’s February and once again I’m weaving together my theme of harmony and the “word of the month”  from my meditation groups. Jackie Valdez – Intuitive Counselor and Saints in Training Founder – has given wisdom as her “word of the month” with intellectualism as its saboteur. […]

2020-04-10T14:02:08-07:00February 25th, 2020|

2020 Theme – Courage

Recently I reviewed a 2013 Oprah interview with Maya Angelou in which Angelou emphasized that courage is the most important of the virtues. It takes courage to practice all the others and live a virtuous life. Courage comes from the Latin cor, which means heart. In one […]

2020-04-10T13:41:08-07:00January 20th, 2020|
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